I craft immersive solutions to experiential projects that captivate and engage.

Each and every day, I find myself sharing my vision of the world through drawing and painting. My higher calling consists of using art as medium to convey a better understanding and appreciation of our surroundings and of life. I work in the experiential realm of design as it encapsulates a holistic approach to integrating concepts with a humanistic approach. My background and training in art, motion graphics and 3D design allow for a diverse tool set to create with bespoke design concepts and goals. My vision as an artist/designer is to influence people in a positive way and to improve the way we work and live through creativity.

When Im not working, I enjoy plain air painting. My work reflects my reactive feeling of the world around me. I am attracted to city landscapes bustling with people. In every piece, I aim to record a reportage of a scene as well as portray my personal feeling to how that area has impacted me. In a sense these landscapes become portraits of my psyche.